
October 24, 2010


I just finished reading our October book club book, The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner.

This book is actually about the author searching to find out what makes people happy. He bases his research off of other people's research but he's trying it himself. He goes to 10 different countries which include: The Netherlands, Switzerland, Bhutan, Qatar, Iceland, Moldove (FYI it's the least happy place), Thailand, Great Britain, India, and America.
This book was interesting. To be honest I was not looking forward to this book at all, it just didn't sound like my cup of tea. First it's not fiction and second it's a research based book. I was suprised to find myself enjoying certain aspects of this book. I like the author, he's got some grumpiness to him, but you can tell he wants to figure out the key to happiness. While he's naive in thinking that someone can lead you to the secret of being happy I give him kudos for his efforts. 
The overall book was boring though. I am sad to say that even his quirky experiences and his dry humor couldn't save me from being bored. Once I got to the chapter on Moldova I was ready for the book to be over. The saving grace?? I wanted to find out what in America people felt was happiness. Boy was I let down, it had to be one of the most boring chapters in the book. Maybe because he's not an outsider of America he couldn't really get into the mindset that he had for the other foreign countries.
The highest grade I can give the book is a C and I can only recommend it to those who like to read about other people's experience in researching a subject with no definitive answer. 

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