Okay I admit I LOVE coffee! What I thought would never develop into an addiction has now taken over my mental state of mind in the morning. I usually cannot function with a coffee or some other caffeine substitute, usually in the form of
Red Bull energy drinks!
Now my love affair with coffee is just wonderful for Starbucks, because nothing is better than a Mocha, a Caramel Macchiato, a Mocha Light Frap, a Peppermint Mocha, Pumpkin Spice Latte, the list goes on and on and on....this love affair is absolutely horrible for my weight loss plan! And even though I will go light on almost all my drinks it still doesn't cut enough fat and calories out...I of course turned to
Hungry Girl to provide me with a healthy alternative...because let's be realistic I'm only 23 years old and this is going to be a lifetime love of mine!
Lucky for me Lisa Lillien (creator of Hungry Girl) pulled through and provided me with the Vanilla Thrilla Coffee Float.
Gathered all my ingredients...yes that is Starbucks Instant Coffee so of course when I bought it I indulged in a little treat for myself :)

You mix everything together except the whipped cream!

Now you are supposed to have ice on hand but Chuck and I never have room in the freezer for ice so instead I made this at night and popped it into the freezer for the next day! And then the next morning came and it was frozen SOLID...Duh right? so I popped it into the freezer thinking I'd make it as a pick me up for when I got home from work but it just didn't happen.
The next morning I pulled it out of the fridge and added a little bit of whipped cream and TA DA!!

And O-M-G This was so GOOD!! Now it didn't stay in that glass, it was just to make it prettier, I ended up dumping this into my travel mug and sucked it down on my 40 minute commute! It was no Starbucks but it was a Healthy version that was actually really good! And I even had to substitute chocolate syrup for the vanilla syrup it calls for cause I didn't have it. This is now going to be my go to coffee drink. In fact I think tonight I'll prepare a few for the week ahead!
Now let me go back to my Mocha Light Frap that a coworker brought me today :) Back to the healthy drinks tomorrow!
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