March 21, 2012

Little Chapel on the River

It feels like it's been such a slow month when it comes to reading but I guess it has considering I've only made it through two books and its March 20th......Yeah well I blame it all on this one.

I am excited to share that I have finished reading Little Chapel on the River. I just started this book on Sunday and was pretty skeptical, however since it's Wednesday you must've figured out I loved it!

The book is actually centered around a small town's locally owned (and operated) bar outside of New York City called Garrison, right on the Hudson River. It focuses on the authors true story of how she came to this small town, during the aftermath of 9/11 and the family she found there.

It's truly a story of an old Irish man and his bar, and so much more. It may center around the Guinan Family's store and bar but it really is story about forming life long friendships and relationships with people. The book is based on the author Wendy's true story of her time (which I discovered via Twitter she still hangs out at the bar) in Garrison and the people she befriends while there.

It's a feel good book, despite the 9/11 starting point of the book. I absolutely loved and adored almost every minute, could go without the details of some of the medical issues, but overall I really found myself engrossed in this book and of course wanting to go to this bar and meet this oddball characters! 

Overall grade - A. 

For being a book about a bar (think Cheers, yes the tv show) this was a page turner for me that I couldn't put down. Loved every single person in the book!!

Next up on my To Read - The Girl with No Shadow!



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