Today after work I knew I needed to go try on dresses, as I'm in between sizes and I need to get my bridesmaid dress ordered, go by the grocery store, make dinner and make food for our work potluck tomorrow! As you can imagine I didn't want to do anything complicated for dinner...I wanted some E-Z!! I grabbed my trusty Hungry Girl 200 Under 200 cookbook and stumbled upon this recipe!!
I made it with 2 chicken breasts, 1 can of Italian Style cut (canned) tomatoes, and some onion powder.
Pop in the oven for 30-40 minutes, until chicken is cooked through....and Voila! Your chicken is ready....
Literally 3-5 minutes to prepare and then let the little chickie cook :-) Now of course I needed more than just chicken so I made another batch of Miracle Mashies and a package of Garlic Cheese Bisquick Biscuits that Chuck and I wanted to try...
This meal was AMAZING! The chicken isn't anything to ooohhh and ahh over but it was still tasty and so EASY!! Have I stressed that enough?? This is another chicken dinner that you can put together on those busy nights or just when you don't feel like slaving away in the kitchen!
BTW: Bisquick's Garlic Cheese biscuits were pieces of "Bad for You" heaven! If you are lucky enough to be thin or at least at your ideal I highly recommend picking up a package of these and trying them out! We found them in our baking aisle with the Jiffy Cornbread mixes!!
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