Part of being a beautiful blogger you are supposed to share 10 things about myself and share this award with 10 other people!! No problem!!
10 blogs I love and award a Beautiful Blogger to are:
1. My Mom's blog because I love her and I LOVE how creative she is and how awesome every Scrapbook page and every card turns out! Crafts & Critters
2. Tracy - because I love how funny she is. Her life sounds so amusing just on a daily basis! And she always seems to be doing something fun either with her shopping trips or with her daughters!! Tracy's Treasures.
3. Alycia - a friend of mine who is Blogging her way through her wedding planning which I love! She's not your typical bride and it offers another side to wedding plan that is so cute and fun!! And her other blog gets a nomination too because I love her reviews on movies and books!! Her and I have similar tastes so it's nice to get a review before I spend money and time on a book or movie that sucks! Driving Blind and The Wonder Wall!
4. Gina over at Gina's Weight Watchers Recipes! Her sub title shouldn't just be Cooking up Skinny Recipes it should say Cooking Up AMAZING Skinny Recipes! Her recipes and pictures are so awesome! I tried her Cauliflower Puree and I recommend it!! Go check it out!!!
5. Sara who shows off her awesome decorating skills and ideas! I love checking this blog for new and inspirational ideas! Delightful Dwelling
6. Dalayney over at Dalayney's Doodles! I love love love this blog! She has such cute crafts and then all the fun stuff she does with her Sons!
7. Princess Flufferbutt - I don't know this person in real life but her blog is so cute and funny! I stumbled along her blog awhile back when she was chronicling her adventures of New York! It made me want to go to New York and try a Crumbs Cupcake! Now she's pregnant and I can't wait to hear all about her adventures of being a new mommy!!
8. Rachel over at I Love My Three Sons has a variety blog that I love. A little mix of DELICIOUS recipes and an array of cute scrapbook layouts! I love it to just get inspired every once in awhile!!
9. And other then the Title need I say more? Thrifty Decor Chick!! A highly popular blog because it offers great ideas on how to decorate on the cheap :-)
10. A brand new blog I am following but am loving so far is: Finesse Your Nest! Not only does she have a great name :-) but her decorating skills are amazing!! Go check it out!
Now the 10 things about me:
1. I love my dogs Buster and Roxy and my cats Belle and Jasmine as if they were children instead of pets! They are the cutests things in the world and yes I am totally bias!
2. I manage a website in my 9-5 job :-) and as my boyfriend said tonight "I'm working late" with my other "job"
3. We tape reruns of the King of Queens because we can seriously relate to the way Doug and Carrie are.
4. I wish I could scrapbook and cook for my day job and do it the rest of my life. It would be the best "Job" ever!
5. I played clarinet, bass clarinet, flute, and piano. I no longer play but I hope when we buy a house I can get a piano.
6. My boyfriend and I could play Guitar Hero for hours and we have. We've ignored phone calls for our game!
7. I love Major League Baseball! Let's go A's!
8. I bought my first home when I was 22 with my boyfriend!
9. I love fixing up and decorating our home. Even though it's taking awhile it's going to be so worth it!
10. I love shopping at thrift stores or off Craiglist, buying furniture and refinishing it. It's so calming!
Thanks again to Tracy for Awarding me this award and providing me with the opportunity to give this award out to other bloggers!! :-)
Wow- thanks, love! :o) I appreciate the award.
..And I am loving all of these recipes, by the way!
Thank you for you kind comment. I am glad you find my boring life entertaining. LOL.
My SIL says that my hubby and I remind her of the charactors on The King of Queens, I don't know how though, maybe the dippy hubby LOL. Ok I am still laughing at that. Ya I entertain myself.
Oh and about the cooking, you can come here and cook for me, I don't like to cook.
Thanks again
Thank you so much for the award! It means a lot to me. Now I'm off to read all about you on your blog.
Thank you for the kind things you have said about my little ole' blog!
Hi Bella! Thanks so much for the award! I can't wait to read all about you, and I appreciate your kind words! You've motivated me to post more often... don't want you to get bored! lol
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