Last night I made 3 new recipes from the Hungry
Girl Book!!! We had Chuck's soon to be ex brother in law over last night for dinner! It was so nice to catch up and have a relaxing dinner! Plus Brad (the brother in law) is on the same healthy eating kick that I am which made him the perfect guinea pig ;)
For our appetizer (which we ended up just eating with dinner) I made Bacon N Cheese Bell Pepper Skins!
The ingredients were cheddar cheese, supposed to be fat free but we only had regular, Lean Turkey Bacon, red pepper, yellow pepper, and sour cream for topping!!

First you cut the peppers in half, remove the stem and seeds, and then slice into 4ths, or 8ths if you are me! Heat your oven to 350 degrees. Spray your baking sheet with nonstick spray and place the peppers on the baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until the peppers are soft.
Once the peppers are in the oven you can fry up the bacon!

After frying the bacon, let it cool and then chop it up. And get a handful of cheese!

When the peppers are soft top them with the bacon and cheese and then put them back in the oven for another 5 minutes or so.

These smelled so good when they were baking in the oven and I was really anxious to try them. I'm not a huge pepper fan, at least not big chunks of peppers but I was ready to try them.

Unfortunately I was not impressed by these. I want to try them again and chop the peppers up smaller but I just couldn't eat them. Chuck and I and Brad all tried them and they were a huge FLOP! But if you are a fan of bell peppers than load them up and enjoy! And unlike me remember there is sour cream as a topper!!!!
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