March 19, 2009


Next up on my list is to create wall hangings for my scrapbook room. I am going to make 8 1/2 x 11 scrapbook pages. I will include a scrapbooking related quote and add some pizazz to the pages to make them stand out from the wall. I am hoping to complete these within the next couple of weeks, as well as my normal scrapbooking. These are the quotes I'll be choosing from:

"Just as pieces stitched together in a quilt warm our bodies, scrapbooks bind together memories to warm our hearts."

""Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun." Mary Lou Cook"

""I've spent most of my money scrapbooking and eating out. the rest I've pretty much wasted.""

"A PICTURE is worth a THOUSAND words, but a scrapbook page is worth a MILLION memories......"

"A true scrapbook addict is one who stages photographs to match paper she likes."

"Housework only comes before Scrapbooking in the dictionary"

What do you think? I'll add some more tomorrow! I am excited to start this project.




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