January 2, 2010

Christmas Day Dinner 2009

So Christmas Day Chuck and I make it our little Christmas and I make a big dinner :-)

Here we are right before eating dinner! What can I say, we are a fan of these types of pictures for every single occasion!

Our BEAUTIFUL Turkey! We went with just the Turkey Breast turkey because after doing a full turkey for thanksgiving we ended up throwing a lot out because neither of us like dark meat! So we went back to our trusty Turkey breast!

It was so moist as Chuck was carving it!
Proud chef with her successful turkey!! I never get pictures of me since I'm the picture taker, but since I slaved in the kitchen I deserved a picture with my food!!

Here is our table: We have mashed potatoes, green beans, turkey, crescent rolls, jell-o salad, and stuffing!! It was so great!

And we just now realized that in the before and after pictures there isn't much of a difference :-) Too much food to two people but it was great to have a few leftover platefuls of christmas dinner!!

And I am posting some what backwards because for our Christmas Day dessert I made a new recipe! I made Chocolate Mousse with Creme Chantilly!!! And it was so GREAT! I'll post the way I made it after this one!
But here is a picture of our dessert! It was delish!



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